How Weight Impacts Fertility
When a couple is trying to conceive it is necessary to rule out any possibility of failure. One of the most neglected phenomena is the relation between male infertility and obesity. While the complications occurring in conception due to female obesity is widely discussed, assessment of both partners is often not carried out. Weight is a significant factor that can increase or decrease the chances of getting pregnant. Therefore, proper weight management is essential for a hassle-free conception.
Determining Whether You Are Overweight Or Underweight:
Being overweight presents a lot of challenges and causes unfavorable circumstances for conceiving. But being underweight also has its own set of drawbacks that can cause hindrance in getting pregnant.
Even though PCOS and being overweight are not directly related one can’t deny the fact that there is definitely a relation between the two of them. When a woman is suffering from PCOS, an excessive amount of insulin is produced. This leads to a tremendous rise in the weight and such a hormonal imbalance can make a person overweight, thus, in turn, posing problems during conception. It is a tough task for a woman who has gained a lot of weight and has PCOS to lose weight. Science has already proven that obese women are definitely at a higher risk as far as PCOS is concerned. Therefore, such circumstances are not favorable if you are trying to conceive.
Assessment Of The Male:
Being overweight or underweight can affect the motility rate and production of sperms, sperm quality, and sperm count. Hormonal imbalances are caused in such cases due to which the sperms get affected and chances of conception are greatly reduced.
Instability of Hormones:
Hormones are the key to the entire reproductive system, be it male or female. Fat cells are responsible for the extra pounds. In a female body, these cells produce oestrogen in excess quantities which obstructs the production of ovulation triggering hormones such as follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Overweight women tend to produce less insulin which results in ovulatory dysfunction due to a production of male hormones.
Dealing With Obesity:
Take note of your BMI and if it is off charts start working to achieve the perfect BMI for conception. Maintain a healthy diet and refrain from junk foods. Figure out a workout plan with the help of a healthcare professional and stick to a routine. Remember, when you are trying to conceive, every bit counts!
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