Tips for Nutrition while pregnancy
Everything a woman eats is the prime source of nourishment for the baby inside. During the period of pregnancy women go through severe challenges that include acute pain, gaining weight and nausea. Lots of hormonal changes occur in their body because of the increase in estrogen.
They have cravings for foods at unusual times that must be provided. Doctors always prescribe to have the correct amount of food. Balanced diets, as well as intake of proteins, irons, and calcium, are the utmost need. Here are some important tips for Nutrition that helps to cope with the challenges of pregnancy, and also provide necessary nourishment to babies.
Essential tips for Nutrition
Correct Nutrition is important for the metabolism of the body to face the period of pregnancy. A woman body needs to increase weight up to 10-15 kg that helps in providing the baby with all the needed nutrients. But the excess increase in the weight may result in problems later on. Therefore correct Nutrition is essential.
Proteins- It plays a crucial role in the diet of a pregnant woman. Proteins are the most essential form and important part for fetal growth. Without proteins, a woman body will be unable to provide nutrients to the baby as well as for the perfect metabolic system.
The additional requirement is 3-4 mg protein per day. Foods like fish, meat, poultry, eggs, pulses, cereals, beans etc are the main sources of protein for a pregnant woman.
Iron- For a pregnant woman, more than 5-6 mg of iron is essential. During the entire day, the specific amount of iron must be included in their diet. This mineral increases the oxygen in the blood for the babies for proper breathing.
One of the common problems that arise due to the deficiencies of iron is anaemia. Due to this, the formation of blood lacks and results in infections and fatigue.
Calcium- It helps in building and forming of bones and teeth of babies in the womb. Though teeth do not appear inside the womb, the intake of calcium helps them in later part of life. Lack of consumption of calcium may result in several deficiencies in the mother’s body.
The calcium is provided to the baby from the bones of the mother, making them weak. Foods like milk, yoghurt, sardines, and leafy greens are rich in calcium.
Folic Acid- It renders vitamin B to the babies that build the brain and the spinal cord or neural tube. Without it, defects in brains and spines take place. Vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, spinach, fish; dark leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid and must be added in everyday diet.
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